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anyway i will never get angry at any adult trans person for reaching out to me about:

- thinking i'm cute/hot
- wanting to do a project with me

if i don't want to talk to you i will just say i don't want to talk to you

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out of context 

choose joy. leave the group chat.

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Bruce Tindall

The stars flew up so long ago
no one remembers what they are.
Their children, left behind in the woods,
come out only to the edge,
only in summer, as tentative
as field mice after an owl-fright.
"Come back for us," they flash, pale green
and cold; bright white and blue and cold
the stars twinkle in the old speech
no one remembers, and set and rise
but never return, as if they couldn't.

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please enjoy my new and upgraded website! now with more links to stuff i've made, and a fun new retrocomputing-related theme

It's wild that rich people get praised for promoting sustainable fashion by... rewearing clothes? Like, fawning headlines about how it's refreshing that a princess recycled a dress that's 10 years old and some supermodel is so daring for repeating a look.

I compost, recycle, shop local, and own lots of 15+ year old clothing. Where's my medal? The ultra rich live on a completely different planet, honestly. And they have the audacity to appropriate the language of sustainability and activism.

our unbreakable solidarity with's own @astory

solidarity is our weapon!

Edit: I am FLOORED. Absolutely FLOORED. I cannot thank y'all enough. I got enough to pay my outstanding balance! Thank you, thank you SO MUCH.

So, life really just.... hates me.

Long story short, I have a growing cavernoma in my brain, but I can't be seen by any of my doctors until I pay a 400$ copay for an iron infusion my insurance thought wasn't necessary for iron tablet resistant anemia.

My doc assures me it's not an emergency, but to keep an eye out for any stroke like symptoms.... which does me NO GOOD when I have hemiplegic migraines- which have the SAME SYMPTOMS AS STROKES.

So, I need help. Again. It's not an emergency, but it's not something I'm gonna be able to do on my very limited income.

I've set a ko-fi goal page so folks have transparency on how much I've received.

Thank you for reading and sharing!

Just lost my job. If you need a broad skilled Python dev who has a passion for sharing information, strong full stack skills and data pipelines experience? I'm your girl.

(I also do public speaking, and I run an open source project in case that wasn't enough of a skill set for you.)

EDIT: I'm in the US for folks interested.


:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

After I've finally being able to gather the money to pay my father back but I will still need to move, payback other debt I've accrued and stuff.

I've gotta move this next week most likely and things are kinda hectic as all of us are gonna move to three different places.

Thanks again for all the support. I really don't know where I would be if not for the fedi. 💜


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)


#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid #boostPlease

my hot take about ttrpgs today is that what games have rules for is not necessarily what they're about

that's much more than we see in England in the 13th century, but it's a fantasy world! we have to imagine that all but the meanest farming techniques include some level of divine or clerical blessing of the land. if not, it's more like five bushels, or 50cp/acre/yr.

and don't forget, if it's a feudal system, there's taxation. if you have a Catholic Church analogue, people will be tithing.

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my research so far makes me think that 10c per bushel of grain is a reasonable nominal price, going up as much as 20x during major famines. in a good year, 13th century farming techniques produce about 10 bushels per acre, so a landlord might expect to produce, in gross, about 1 gold worth of wheat per acre in a year

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being a DM is fucking wild. one minute I'm reading books printed last year titled stuff like "Where Evil Lives" and "Flee, Mortals!" and then my players decide to dive into a labor dispute between goblin farmhands and halfling landlords and I'm reading Whitley, Milton "The Yield of Wheat in England during Seven Centuries" (Science, New Series, Vol. 58, No. 1504 (Oct. 26, 1923), pp. 320-324)

GM hack: if your players have not yet identified an item from a random table, give them its physical description and tell them to write it down as page number plus table roll, like "Incense (273-46)" for the Shadowdark item "Rare incense that is repulsive to undead (50 gp)"

Now, they don't know what it is, but you can easily tell them when they go to identify or sell it later, without having to have a duplicate inventory for each character.

Today is NOT the new year, but what if it was? My favorite part of All Fools' Day is that it gets people thinking about the calendar, which is always fun!

Do you use a non-Gregorian calendar in your day-to-day life? I spend a fair amount of time thinking in terms of the Jewish lunar calendar, which is interesting for a lot of reasons. Some scholars argue that it was created *specifically* to clash with contemporary secular calendars, as an act of resistance - and it still does!

I also think a lot about calendars for my D&D setting. The Shard Worlds operate on a 10-day week. Each month, or "trith", is exactly three weeks, meaning exactly 360 days in a year. So convenient!

Of course, that's in conflict with the orbit of the Earth (and the Shard Worlds do have a similar length year), so there are also 5 (or 6) intercalary days - days that don't fit into any month or week. They're generally feast days, one per season, plus one day (two for leap years) to mark Midwinter.

Please :boost_ok: and/or reply with facts!

This might be my favorite picture I've ever taken.

From the Skokie Lagoons, on my Fuji X-T1 with my XF 35mm f/2 R WR lens.

ttrpg theorycrafting 

I think I'd want to combine this with a roll-to-cast magic system, where each spell has a to-cast DC which increases as you cast more spells. When you finally miss that DC, the spell still goes off, maybe with some downside, but you forget the spell - Jack Vance, come home, all is forgiven.

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ttrpg theorycrafting 

Some difficulties I see with this: I think it makes it a bit harder on the GM to balance things. On the other hand, I actually really *like* that is simply locks characters in some states out of doing things; for instance, if we set the DC to break down a stone door at 15, it's simply not possible for level 2 character to open it without doing something to gain a bonus.

Why specify trained rolls? Niche protection, basically. All characters get more competent at everything as they level, but they only get to advance and take full advantage of their dice state when doing the things they're supposed to be especially good at.

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ttrpg theorycrafting 

Considering the following progression system.

Every level (every N levels?) you go up a die: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. Each adventuring day, you start out rolling just your highest die. Each time you fail when rolling on a skill or with gear you're trained in, you add the next lower die to your trained rolls going forward.

So, a level 4 character would start out rolling 1d10, having a 60% chance to hit a DC of 5 and a 10% chance to hit a DC of 10. The first time they missed, they'd start rolling 1d10 + 1d8 - dramatically better, a 92.5% chance to hit a 5 and 55% chance to hit a 10.

As the day goes on, it gets easier and easier to do hard things, and harder to fail. Combining this with other resources that diminish as the day goes on (hit points, spells, potions, arrows) means that there's a real tension built into the game's design - do we press on with our high dice state, or fall back to regain health and spells?

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