@TimKStanton @elperronegro what model of snowshoes are they?
@TimKStanton @ak @elperronegro I kick myself for buying Tubbs instead of MSR. They work but I think they are heavier and bulkier.
My first pair of snowshoes were Tubbs. Hiked a lot of trails with them but, like yours, heavier and bulkier. The big issue with mine was that they lacked the traction to hike up/down the steep slopes that I had been encountering so that’s when I switched to these MSRs. Which model do you have? How’s the traction?
@TimKStanton @ak @elperronegro This is what I have. Traction seems good, I’ve gone up and down steep slopes. I’m heading up to a sno-park in the Cascades in the morning and will most likely be using them for a 6,000 foot mountain. Hopefully I can wear them immediately versus having to carry them for a while.
@andrewbriscoe @TimKStanton @ak @elperronegro I have a ten-year-old pair of Atlas mountain terrain shoes. I've been very happy with them, but I've not owned any other brand so I can't compare to others. I know when I got them I considered them 4-wheel drive for my feet. Great traction up down steep slopes, over logs, and along icy creeks. Have fun in the Cascades, Andrew!