To all those warning of a coup in the US, it’s too late! What needs to be discussed is how to take back our government. And I don’t mean going back to the status quo of the pre trump era of politics. That is what got us here.
Just a few ideas to start the discussion.
1. Reign in the oligarchy.
2. Implement and enforce anti monopoly policies. Block the merger and acquisitions that lead to consolidation of industries.
3. Revise the tax code. End corporate loopholes, investor class loopholes and special interest groups loopholes including religious organizations.
4. Institute data privacy protections
5. Change the way the judicial branch operates. End life time appointments and change how judges are appointed.
6. Change the licensing process for media companies including so called social media.
7. Confront the distortions in society have created a permanent segregated society for large sections of society.
8. Confront the epidemic of poverty and homelessness nationwide.
9. Institutes a universal healthcare system. Take health care out of the hands of employers.
10. Institute a policy of research and development on a national scale. The US will not be able to compete, let alone win global competition with a population of ignorant religious fanatics. Expertise is what we should strive for.
#us #uspolitics #maga #trump #science #history #knowledge #strategy #democracy #republicans #democrats #coup #religion