@ShadSterling @elaterite @the5thColumnist @chris_hayes @mike
If we had unlimited time, and resources, that would certainly be a possibility.
Unfortunately, we have neither at this point.
@ShadSterling @elaterite @the5thColumnist @chris_hayes @mike
If we had unlimited time, and resources, that would certainly be a possibility.
Unfortunately, we have neither at this point.
@504DR @elaterite @the5thColumnist @chris_hayes @mike there’s no meaningful time limit on learning to live in space. Not even as a race with destroying lifesupport ecosystems on Earth; if we can’t muster the political will to stop doing that, we also won’t be able to sustain lifesupport ecosystems in a pod. It’s not the amount of resources that limit us, it’s the deciding to let reckless destructive people control them
@ShadSterling @504DR @the5thColumnist @chris_hayes @mike Indeed. The money hording class is certainly our biggest problem.