@pascaline It's a fun thing for city folks that rarely experience remote places because they never leave the highway. NV 375 is very little traveled. It's like US 50, "the Loneliest Road in America" was 40 years ago. On 375 you can literally stop your car in the middle of the highway, make and eat lunch, and not worry about another car coming along to disturb your picnic. Sadly, US 50 is quite busy these days, but 375, despite being labeled the Extraterrestrial Highway, is quite a lonely drive.
It sounds like a wonderful way to travel without seeing too many people, and getting out of the car to eat something or just walk around, enjoying the landscape, sunrise, sunset. I would love to do that one day but I may never get the chance.
@pascaline It's why I love the west. I couldn't live anywhere else. I need wide open spaces where I can takeoff down a road or trail and throw down anywhere I feel like camping.