@intrepidhero @alexskunz I'm immune, but when I lived in a rural area of California years ago, people that contracted poison oak used to swear by Fels Naptha soap as a remedy. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
@elaterite be very careful, nevertheless. From what I've read, there is no such thing as immunity, just a very high tolerance (about 20% of the population, I think) — and apparently, each exposure reduces it a little bit.
One of my friends who thought that he was immune slipped on a trail & rolled right into a big Poison-oak bush... and then broke out. 😬 @intrepidhero
@alexskunz Ya, I've heard that as well. During a cross country horseback trip we got caught in a downpour & had to setup an emergency lean to. In the morning we discovered we had slept in a bramble of poison oak. Fortunately, neither of us broke out. As a kid I used to play in the Santa Monica Mtns. My friends would breakout but I was always okay. Just a few years ago I saw some poison oak & decided to test my immunity & rubbed some on the inside of my arm. Nothing. Feel lucky. @intrepidhero