@nikclayton @jotaluis @apps we haven't completed that form yet. My understanding is that you have to just tick the boxes.
"Mastodon allows users to report child safety concerns in-app." — sure it does, you can submit a report with an appropriate comment to your instance staff.
"My app complies with all relevant child safety laws, and reports to regional and national authorities" — not something that can really be enforced. Just box ticking for its own sake.
I guess that Google waits a category for child safety and not just the ability to write some text to explain the issue. Otherwise, all social networks already have that solution.
The problem, apps might be used by social networks that won't offer such reports.
@nikclayton @jotaluis
@apps @nikclayton @jotaluis that's the point that "all social networks already have that solution". It's not the first time that Google asks app developers to go through all this useless bureaucratic nonsense of ticking boxes to confirm that their app does this particular thing that it has already been doing since its inception. You rarely have to do any modifications to your actual app and/or service to comply with these.