This would be an excellent moment to swarm out and take the city.
The police has the current situation under control. You move, you become unpredictable.
This would be an excellent moment to swarm out and take the city.
The police has the current situation under control. You move, you become unpredictable.
A sizeable portion of protesters has now left. A smaller core continues to stand their ground at the heart of the square.
There's about 10 cops and 1-2 vans per protester right now....
Chanting continues, facing the police:
"Ik kan niks, ik wil niks, geef mij een uniform!"
[Translates: I can't do shite, don't wanna do nothin, give me a uniform]
We are peaceful, what are you?
Police is closing in, has warned that they may use violence if people don't leave
Closer up view of the situation from local news station AT5:
Word has it that the city is bringing in buses to try to forcibly transport people off the square.
Several people on site have declared their intention not to let those buses pass
Buses to forcibly transport the people who dared to protest have arrived at the square. From what I can tell they're not facing much obstruction... People are kept at a significant distance
People are chanting: "Halsema shame on you, blood on your hands!", referring to the Amsterdam mayor, Femke Halsema.
Halsema yesterday openly lied about the racist police violence committed against the people of Amsterdam.