2 weeks compulsory annual leave starts for me and many other Australians today. It was a cool day in Melbourne today and it had rained overnight and a bit in the morning, so it was an ideal gardening day.
We started the day by getting free mulch from our council depot and free black plastic pots. We covered our street garden with mulch and I planted some nasturtium seeds. It is going to be 31 on Christmas Day and 40 on Boxing day so I was pleased to get the garden some protection. A meter reader stopped to have a chat. He also does guerilla gardening and said he would come by again with a succulent for our garden - wonderful!
Another person stopped by and helped us to neaten up rubbish on the other side of the street that was threatening to blow onto the road.
Our street gardening group had hoped that the garden would encourage people to stop and chat and cheer the neighbours. We had also hoped that it would encourage people to stop dumping rubbish under this tree. In the two years since it was planted both goals have been achieved.
Earlier this year, even the succulents were struggling in this hot dry position. Now we have a hose that reaches the garden, so regular watering together with the mulch should encourage the plants to grow some more.
#Melbourne #StreetGardening #GardeningAU