Technically I suppose there's a fifth option that she thinks decreasing the arms the United States sends to Israel will increase civilian deaths in Gaza. I didn't list that because that's so obviously absurd. But let's be "fair". 🤮
I'm clearing out my inbox at my desk for the first time since getting covid so the first major thing I did was write my representative in the House that I am disgusted his email update this week on passing the NDAA doesn't even mention this bullshit dehumanizing provision that bans the Pentagon from using Gaza Ministry of Health numbers. The least Adam Smith could do is express regret that the provision stayed in.
I didn't expect him to vote against the NDAA -- after all he's long been the ranking member of the main committee in the House on military stuff! -- but he could at least acknowledge the pain of the members of his community who are affected personally by the #genocide in #Gaza and the others who oppose it.
Last night we were sorting some US quarters and found this one. I am nostalgic about the vision and promise of the UN and international cooperation. My government constantly undermines and destroys that vision. #EndGenocideInGaza