united states, israel, palestine
The Appalling Attack on Ta-Nehisi Coates Is a Massive Media Failing
The "interview" really was appalling. The project of trying to delegitmize criticism of the Israeli government exists partly to give cover to the leaders in the US that continue to support sending weapons to Israel.
#EndGenocideInGaza #israel #UnitedStates #palestine
united states, israel, palestine
Chris Hayes has a good interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates. https://youtu.be/aLzKy2N4s2M
united states, israel, palestine
A short video of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Maaza Mengiste and Eve Ewing experiencing the occupied West Bank.
It ends with TNC: "it's a lot. it's a lot."
#israel #palestine #apartheid
united states, israel, palestine
Is anyone I know in #Seattle going to the one year of genocide protest today at 2pm at Pier 62? Want to buddy up?
united states, israel, palestine
The Sunday #SeattleTimes print edition put this story above a story about universities being investigated for student protests of the #genocide in Gaza. The headline for this one leads with "Pro-Palestinian" which to my mind is like calling 2020 Black Lives Matter protests "pro-Black". Yes, "pro" the marginalized folks but really defending universal dignity. So the consent machine keeps going whirrr but at least they printed a story.
united states, israel, palestine
Anyway, if you're a #UnitedStates resident and horrified that we keep sending billions in weapons to #Israel, call your congress people tomorrow. #EndGenocideInGaza
united states, israel, palestine
united states, israel, palestine
In 2007-2008 when I was also going through a long breakup I was reading a lot about genocide. I special ordered obscure books. I was steeped in it. It wrecked me at the time possibly partly because I was in the middle of major personal change.
Now I have a supportive partner and extended family and friends and it still wrecks me.
Every life is a universe. I couldn't get through 5 minutes of this video. https://youtu.be/poHGZW-mg_M
united states, israel, palestine
Report from a UN org about the Israel govt targetting the health system of #Gaza: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-inquiry-accuses-israel-crime-extermination-destruction-gaza-health-system-2024-10-10/
Predictably there are the same excuses (see screenshot), but a reminder that Gaza has (had?) over 2 million people in an area the same size as the city of #Seattle. I'm don't believe Hamas never ever has military fighters or equipment near civilians. How could they not in such a small area? Plus I live near US military bases & no doubt members visit Seattle.
Edited 157d ago
united states, israel, palestine
I called my members of Congress again:
- Rep. Adam Smith's staffer answered. Smith's latest newsletter had a milquetoast bit about investigating settlers in the West Bank and zilch about Gaza or Lebanon
- Senator Cantwell had a staffer answering. Asked that she sign onto Sen. Sanders' call for an embargo.
- Senator Murray's number went straight to voicemail. After my comment, I thanked the staffer who has to listen to this while Murray does nothing.
united states, israel, palestine
It appears Israel has killed the immoral Hamas leader who planned the Oct 7, 2023 attack. #Israel leaders plans to continue #genocide in #Gaza anyway.
Chris Hayes' discussion with Israeli Jewish journalist Amir Tibon has a lot of history abouy Gaza and about this Hamas leader's relationship to Netanyahu. https://overcast.fm/+AAuOFuzfHpQ
united states, israel, palestine
I've no idea if it matters but calling and writing my members of Congress is something I keep doing whenever I'm upset. Today I saw news that Israel has denied entry to more medical aid orgs and is continuing to bomb northern Gaza and likely killing many non-combatants. Genocide paid for by everyone in the United States and supported by our leaders! :( #EndGenocideInGaza #GenocideJoe #israel #palestine
united states, israel, palestine
Guess I'll be calling on Monday. Intentionally targeting water engineers who got clearance with the IDF is just ... how broken is that? Not that this is new / different. It just continues and Adam Smith, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell either just don't care or are too chickenshit to say anything. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/oxfam-condemns-killing-water-engineers-gaza #EndGenocideInGaza #UnitedStates #genocide
united states, israel, palestine
united states, israel, palestine
It appears that the office of Rep. Adam Smith just sends a generic "here are the resources available to you" email text when you submit comments on Israel/Palestine now. He hasn't made any public statements that I can find other than to call for an investigation of a US citizen killed in the West Bank. :/
united states, israel, palestine
Oh actually, I just got a more specific response from Rep. Adam Smith which also links to this page which is a storymap (??) of his recent statements: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/a006723b21cb4b1f8fca1544b2afaa6b
He's still not calling for an arms embargo.
#UnitedStates #uspolitics #Israel #palestine #EndGenocideInGaza
united states, israel, palestine
Get on social again after work again and I see the news that Israel is bombing in the vicinity if hospitals in Beirut now. Just ... how does anyone with power to stop this think this is going to go? "Glad" I called and write my congress folk at lunch.
united states, israel, palestine
Guess I'm calling or writing all my congress people again. This isn't a new sentiment from this Israeli political leader currently in office but my political leaders seem to believe it's not relevant information as to the past actions and plans of the Israeli government.
https://news.sky.com/story/this-is-our-land-we-deserve-it-dozens-of-israelis-planning-to-cross-border-and-settle-in-gaza-13238436 #GenocideJoe
united states, israel, palestine
If you're a US person, calling your elected members of Congress does matter. They keep tallies of who calls and make estimates about how many other folks likely agree but don't call. Another reason to care: yet more journalists killed in #Gaza. https://dair-community.social/@ZekuZelalem/113352683051495951
#genocide #israel #palestine #UnitedStates
united states, israel, palestine
I called my congress people right before my lunch and now I want to call again having seen this Doctors Without Borders update on the situation in north Gaza. Gaza is by land area no bigger than the city of "Seattle (the legal city boundaries). No aid is getting in and it is under continuous attack.
https://mastodon.online/@michael_w_busch/113358582136645054 #Genocide #Israel #Palestine
Edited 145d ago
united states, israel, palestine
For unrelated reasons we stopped donating to the ACLU but still: what the fuck. Facts:
- the ACLU took positions on the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa
- every missile and bomb dropped in Gaza comes from the US
- US politicians, universities and others justify violations of free speech rights in the US on people who oppose the genocide
- military, police and surveillance tech used here is "tested" abroad
united states, israel, palestine
"After a year of conflict, two-thirds of Gaza’s buildings have been damaged or destroyed, leaving behind 42 million tonnes of rubble and a mountain of health risks."
This is from Oct. 5th. I likely missed it because I thought I would be too upset. Anyway I called (& wrote) my members of Congress to ask them to look at this article and examine why they haven't called for an arms embargo.
#genocide #israel #gaza #palestine #GenocideJoe
united states, israel, palestine
UNRWA is a UN org created with US backing in the early 1950s to help Palestinian refugees. Since world leaders have never kept their promise to the Palestinian people to create and support a nation (within the pre-1967 boundaries) UNRWA forms a huge part of the societal "infrastructure" -- education, health care, etc -- of the West Bank and Gaza.
Yesterday Israel's government voted to ban UNRWA. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/10/1156231
#Israel #Palestine #genocide
united states, israel, palestine
A former spokesperson for UNRWA spoke with the Makdisi Street podcast back in February and it's clear how important UNRWA is and how longstanding it is that various leaders in Israel have wanted to undermine UNRWA for no reason ... unless those leaders' goals are ethnic cleansing and genocide. https://overcast.fm/+ABFQ4UGo1sM
united states, israel, palestine
united states, israel, palestine
united states, israel, palestine
It probably seems pointless but if you live in the US or can vote I encourage you to call or write your members of Congress and ask them to call for an end to sending arms to Israel. There's still a genocide. #genocide #GenocideJoe #gaza #palestine
I found out yesterday Senator Murray signed onto a letter to ask President Biden to sanction some of Israel's most virulently genocidal leaders who push for Weet Bank settlements: https://delauro.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/delauro.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/2024.10.29%20Final%20letter%20to%20admin%20re%20West%20Bank%20violence%5B19%5D-compressed_1.pdf (via -- https://bsky.app/profile/diplomatofnight.com/post/3lawfcuswp223)
But it's not enough so when I received a JVP action alert (https://jvpa.tools/fjsPP9), I called my senators again to ask them to cosponsor the Joint Resolution of Disapproval that Senator Bernie Sanders has been pushing.
#genocide #palestine #israel
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
The local #Seattle Times is manufacturing consent for #genocide.
The president of the largest publicly funded university in the state had her home & car vandalized. The article seems to label messages like "free palestine" and "blood on your hands" as "pro-Hamas".
Jewish groups mentioned or quoted as is issue of antisemitism. No local Palestinian-Americans are quoted. They exist and many have family who have died.
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
I don't personally think vandalism like this is particularly effective but who knows! At least people will hear about the issue even in this biased form. It is surely not unexpected when tens of thousands of people including children are being killed with monetary and cultural support from the United States and its institutions. It's even more expected when the university is among many in shutting down more "legitimate" protest actions.
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
Some recent reading and listening that in part touches on #Palestine:
- Recognizing the Stranger by Isabella Hammad - https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/463942/recognising-the-stranger-by-hammad-isabella/9781911717379
- The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates - https://ta-nehisicoates.com/books/the-message/
- Makdisi Street esp https://overcast.fm/+ABFQ4VKNQJo (with Rashid Khalidi)
- On the Nose esp https://overcast.fm/+AAwyJIMtIc8 (w Naomi Klein and Hala Alyan) and https://overcast.fm/+AAwyJJdYIo8 (with TNC)
- The Big Picture - https://overcast.fm/+AA_5fR30TBo
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
#UnitedStates folks! Senator Sanders has introduced 6 Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block arms sales to #Israel. They might not pass. But it's worth calling and telling your senators (at least) why they should vote for them. US and international law clearly at this point are being violated. Tens of thousands of children in #Gaza have been killed with our tax dollars with no sign that it will stop. Please call yours!
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
#Seattle / #Washington folks. Maybe you also think it's wrong your tax dollars have funded the deaths of tens of thousands of children? Consider calling Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.
Murray: (202) 224-2621 (DC), (206) 553-5545 (Seattle)
Cantwell: (202) 224-3441 (DC)
The SEIU has called for support of resolutions from Sen. Sanders to end arms sales. https://www.seiu.org/2024/11/seiu-supports-sen-sanders-joint-resolutions-of-disapproval-to-block-sale-of-offensive-weapons-to-israel #EndGenocideInGaza
Edited 118d ago
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
I don't actually like to frame this issue this way -- it's not how I think about it as the US' long standing abuse of its world power is more important than "my taxes" -- but that is not how a lot of folks think.
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
God it's so gross. Biden's legacy is going to be the murder of tens of thousands of children and not the best climate policy the US has ever seen.
Thread on bluesky of the WH pushing senate dems to vote against the JRD: https://bsky.app/profile/diplomatofnight.com/post/3lbdqnsgbxk2a
It seems unlikely they have the votes to pass it (given need for R votes) but still pushing the minority Dems to vote against?!
Edited 118d ago
united states, israel, palestine, fascism
The US vetoed another UN security council resolution calling for an unconditional ceasefire and return of hostages / release of prisoners. Nearly every other country in the world supports this. https://bsky.app/profile/diplomatofnight.com/post/3lbfcbntves25 #EndGenocideInGaza
call your senators US
folks TODAY!! israel, palestine
If you are in the US call your senators to ask them to support the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval. They are being voted on today! https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/tell-senators-no-more-weapons-to-israel/ #Israel #palestine #genocide #uspol
us politics, israel, palestine
I am sad to report that it appears both Senators Murray and Cantwell of #Washington voted against the JRDs. A yes vote would indicate their support for ending arms shipments to Israel supporting the #genocide of the people in Gaza.
us politics, israel, palestine
Looks like 2 more votes to go but I don't imagine they'd vote against some and for others. But I guess it's too soon to say?
us politics, israel, palestine
I called the Seattle and DC numbers for Senators Murray and Cantwell to express my disapproval and reiterate the need for an arms embargo.
us politics, israel, palestine
us politics, israel, palestine
I got a response from #Washington Senator Murray about her failure to vote for Senator Sanders' Joint Resolutions of Disapproval. 👎🏼
If you read the 4th paragraph it's clear that to her the people of Gaza being killed by the US & Israel either:
- aren't mostly civilians, or
- aren't innocent, or
- are "culpable" civilians who deserve death, or
- aren't equal to the possible future deaths of people who largely aren't in Gaza.
#Gaza #genocide #israel #uspol
us politics, israel, palestine
Technically I suppose there's a fifth option that she thinks decreasing the arms the United States sends to Israel will increase civilian deaths in Gaza. I didn't list that because that's so obviously absurd. But let's be "fair". 🤮
us politics, israel, palestine
us politics, israel, palestine
I'm clearing out my inbox at my desk for the first time since getting covid so the first major thing I did was write my representative in the House that I am disgusted his email update this week on passing the NDAA doesn't even mention this bullshit dehumanizing provision that bans the Pentagon from using Gaza Ministry of Health numbers. The least Adam Smith could do is express regret that the provision stayed in.
us politics, israel, palestine
I didn't expect him to vote against the NDAA -- after all he's long been the ranking member of the main committee in the House on military stuff! -- but he could at least acknowledge the pain of the members of his community who are affected personally by the #genocide in #Gaza and the others who oppose it.
us politics, israel, palestine
My bike commute today I started this episode of Makdisi Street on international law, the ICC, the ICJ, how hard war crimes and similar are hard to prosecute and how/why #Israel seems to be particularly protected. https://sites.libsyn.com/495388/the-problem-has-always-been-that-israel-is-above-the-law-w-nimer-sultany
Last night we were sorting some US quarters and found this one. I am nostalgic about the vision and promise of the UN and international cooperation. My government constantly undermines and destroys that vision. #EndGenocideInGaza
us politics, israel, palestine