A few years ago, we bought the #LEGO 10268 Vestas wind turbine for work. @zeratul2099 put together a circuit board with an ESP32, with which we can control the motor according to the local wind forecast. We also added some lights and other extras. Here are some photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/188984025@N02/albums/72157714914817786
However, the e-paper display has been broken for more than a year now, the WiFi code stopped working even before that and the whole set was getting dusty.
So I took it back home, cleaned it and started to fix the code. I never programmed a micro computer and my C/C++ skills are rusty at best.
But with @zeratul2099's help, I quickly learned how this stuff works. It was a great feeling to light up an LED via a button. And it felt even better when I got the display to actually show something.
I am/was not a big fan of AI but thank's to @mitsuhiko's article about his usage of AI, I gave it a shot. An man, did it help me a lot. The documentation of many of the Arduino libs is not very good (compared to Python standards), but ChatGPT4 (via 🦆 AI Chat) understood my questions and its code suggestions realy helped a lot.