@chris_hayes @mike All I can think of are all of the toxic gases being created and the potential for damage from falling debris. We're at a point where there are so many launches and so many satellites, they need to be regulated and there needs to be severe fines (or fees) for using our thin atmosphere as a garbage dump. Additionally, each launch should be required to buy carbon offsets. I'm not a big fan of offset markets, but I know of no other way to neutralize the release of CO2.
Edited 60d ago
@elaterite @mike I'm a big fan of the carbon offset idea (understanding that carbon offsets are not perfect). As a rocket fan, I know a lot of rocket people will point out that the airplane industry pollutes magnitudes more.
But, the focus should really be on solving problems not trying to assign blame. The rocket industry should be offseting all of the environmental harms it is creating, and so should the airline industry.
Edited 60d ago
@chris_hayes @elaterite @mike
Include space debris orbiting around our world in that. Some day we won't be able to reach for the stars anymore because of the dangers to collide with old satellites and stuff and are stuck here, on a yet beautiful planet we destroyed as well.