No liberals America wasn't a "beacon of liberty" until Trump changed it. America has always been an oppressive colonialist imperialist empire that oppresses as many as it can reach.
📌 Pinned Thread
What I find fascinating as an autistic person is how often I envision an anarcho-syndicalist society. Every day, I imagine a world built on freedom, solidarity, and mutual aid, a society where people are empowered to live with dignity and autonomy.
Yet, when I look around me, I see the overwhelming reality of the system I’ve been suppressed by for nearly 25 years. It’s a system that feels broken, unjust, and dehumanizing, a constant reminder of the garbage we’re forced to endure.
#Anarchism #Syndicalism #AnarchoSyndicalism #Autism #Autistic #Freedom #Solidarity #DirectAction #MutualAid #WorkersRights #Unions #Decentralization #Liberty #Dehumanizing
#anarchism #anarchist #socialism #socialist #workersrights #labour #union #tradeunion #workers #communism #communist #anticapitalism #eattherich #feedthepoor
I went to an #anarchism conference last week. I think I came away knowing that I'm sympathetic to a *lot* of these ideas, but I'm just not fundamentally anti-state.
Every time I hear about some form of social organization proposed by an anarchist--#AnarchoSyndicalism is my favourite, but #AthenianJuries are another--I think to myself: That's a governance structure.
It doesn't sound anti-state. It sounds pro-good governance. "Good" meaning "actually fair," not "fake fair," like we have now.
Dozen Values is the most granular of the political alignment quizzes I've done. Would recommend.
#politics #politicalcompass #libertarian #socialism #libertariansocialism #Anarchism #marxism #revolution #anticapitalism #antistatism
I want to put together a much needed no-compromises trans activism group in the UK because unfortunately there is no body at present that's unconditionally standing up for our rights. Ideally we'd be able to fill these purposes and more:
- Provide free access to HRT for people who need it funded by regular donations. Similiarly we should provide a centralised stock of HRT to get people through gaps in prescriptions or availability of DIY HRT.
- Organise protests and civil resistence to oppose transphobia, take a defiant stand against it and raise awareness of trans issues. I'm talking protests, stickering, marches and more.
- Provide 1:1 peer support for those who need it as well as community support groups.
- Respond to the worsening political and social situation as changes occcur.
The real question is how does one do this? I'll be here scratching my head trying to figure it out. Please if you can help in any way let me know! Boosting would help a lot too!
#transgender #trans #TransUK #transgenderUK #uk #transrights #anarchism #ukpol
#history #activism #activist #anarchism #anarchist #revolution #racism #fascism #antifascism #antifa #antifascist #guillotine #eattherich #anticapitalism #war #peace #stopwars #freepalestine #freeukraine #politics #centrist #left
hardened antifascist living in sin city. vegan for ethical reasons, having made my transition over 5 years ago (better late than never). In this day and age, it's pure selfishness to kill an animal to eat when there are so many vegan options. Never trust those who consume bell peppers and/or raw onions. =P
#spotify #music #anticapitalism #eattherich #activism #anarchism #socialism #supportmusicians
How many people are like me, who dont care about AI bullshit beyond the noise (exception: focus on its destruction of environment), but are nonetheless happy to see the enemy i.e Capitalistic grifters get beat up pretty bad by open source (some say its not fully opensource, but only sorta, kinda opensource, but still)?
Hey everyone, i need help immediately, i have barely any money left and im mentally disabled and unable to work, i live in an abusive and transphobic home (im a trans woman) and i need donations to afford to live, i cannot afford food, hrt, etc without donations. Please donate. my current goals are below.
current goals:
new glasses: 0$/225$ (for eye test AND new glasses, current prescription isnt good enough and my current glasses are all beat up)
food: 0$/50$
hrt: 0$/150$ (for blood test, i already got the estrogen luckily)
cookware: 0$/200$ (i dont have any pots or similar cookware, my abusive family doesnt let me use their cookware)
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan
#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf #mastodonforharris #mastodon4harris #m4htopup #occupymastodonforharris #occupym4htopup #helpfolkslive #helpfolkssurvive #helpfolkslive2025
I hate it when people falsely accused socialism of the very things that capitalism produces. This is why Marxist education of the working class needs to be our top priority.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
Since Fedizine came out, many anarchist projects and collectives have established a presence on the Fediverse. We have lost count!
Please reply / tag any anarchist distros, info/counter into, collectives, infoshops or other projects that have an active account on Mastodon/the Fediverse. It would be nice to put together a list.
And please boost!
"What I learned was, every dollar I was spending, I was part of systems of destruction."
This video is for people who don't know the "WHY" behind moneyless society.
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
#solarpunk #conciousliving #consciousliving
#loesje #activism #activist #activistmemes #directaction #anarchism #anarchist #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #socialism #socialist #communism #communist #antitrump #antiwilders #eattherich #philosophy #climate #climatechange #war #peace #antiracism #antifa #antifascism #earthfirst
Heyyy, don't shoot the messenger 🤣
#Politics #Republicans #Democrats #Liberals #Conservatives #Vote #Election #DemocraticParty #RepublicanParty #DNC #RNC #GOP #Progressives #FraudSquad #DonaldTrump #Trump #JDVance #JoeBiden #Biden #KamalaHarris #Harris #TimWalz #Walz #Democracy #VoteBlue #Fascism #Communist #Anarchist #Marxist #Socialist #Communism #Socialism #Anarchism #GreenSocialist #EcoSocialist #EcoSocialism
Hey #solarpunk people from outside of the Global North!
@SolarpunkConference would like to hear your voices on why they should allow you to watch their online #conference without having a credit card compatible with the US payment system!
Do we have anyone from #Ukraine or anywhere in #Africa ? #Brazil ? #India ? #southAmerica ? #southEastAsia ?
#globalSouth #socialJustice #climate #climateChange #event #futurism #hope #hopepunk #anarchism
Hey everyone, im in a really horrible situation right now, im disabled and extremely poor, im not on any government benefits and im unable to get a job, my family is neglectful and abusive and transphobic, i cant afford food or hrt, please help me, please donate, i have unmet needs.
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 42THGxJAupNS8oqTnxyas2CPndoaTF8AVKVQDy61ap7hcF2nXeFtLowQfrVucUCVGMZ8NFKbphQeDVpXf5iXkA1a4CPZDUG
@mutualaid @disability @trans @vegan
#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf #mastodonforharris #mastodon4harris #m4htopup #occupymastodonforharris #occupym4htopup
To continue the Anarchist Sunday School, I found the Arte documentary *No Gods, No Masters: A History of Anarchism* via Peertube.
Unfortunately without playlist, so I made one myself:
I shared this years ago as well, but it now it has five parts, instead of three. The newer parts are about the period after the Second World War. Those are with French audio, but it has multiple subtitles. Enjoy!
When society refuses you the right to exist, you have to take it and not help it along, which is cowardice.
-- Clement Duval
"Every government,
no matter who controls it,
is an instrument of oppression."
– Mikhail Bakunin
Bakunin was absolutely right about this, but he was wrong in his conclusion that because of this fact, no state should exist after the abolition of capitalism. The working class will still need a state post-capitalist to suppress the former ruling class and dismantle capitalist structures.
#anarchism #communism #socialism #marxism
La Confederació General del Treball (#CGT) és una organització seguidora de les idees llibertàries i #anarcosindicalistes. El nostre objectiu passa per la defensa quotidiana dels interessos de les persones treballadores davant la patronal, en el camí d’una societat més justa, solidària i lliure.
A Catalunya som el tercer #sindicat en nombre d'afiliació, i la presència de més dones és una constant que es va incrementat any rere any. Sense dubte, la nostra expansió en sectors #feminitzats i #precaritzats com els SAD, lleure o neteja hi té molt a veure.
Les persones #LGTBIAQ també estan incloses en la lluita #antipatriarcal, amb unes dades de #discriminació i d'#assetjament molt elevades, i aquesta #inclusio vol dir, per començar, deconstruir els estereotips i rols de #gènere, per a tothom i a tots els àmbits.
La organització combativa i col·lectiva és l'única manera que ens permet avançar en #drets socials de les dones i de la #diversitat sexual i de gènere. Afilia't!
#feminisme #feminista #dretalavortament #sindicalisme #anarquisme #anarcosindicalisme #antifeixisme
#feminismo #derechoalaborto #sindicalismo #anarquismo #anarcosindicalismo #antifascismo
#feminism #feminist #abortionrights #anarchism #anarchosyndicalism #antifascism
#lgtbi #trans #dretstrans #derechostrans #transrights
Hey, so, we all know weather is going to get more dangerous over the next few years. Also, the USA weather services are probably not going to be operating at their best (to be optimistic). I know there are other sources, but the whole of the world society feels like it is on the edge of darkness. So...
Proposal/question: using the plethora of easily accessible data, compute, and brilliant people; how could we form a federated and decentralized weather service?
I imagine it would require some standardized protocols and modeling teams. Similar things do exist for other areas of research. However, I am an ecological modeler and know very little relevant information beyond using climate models. I am not completely sure what is needed for weather. Thoughts or ideas? Or is anyone even interested in this?
#wx #weather #federation #decentralized #opensource #foss #modeling #resilience #anarchism