I seem to have found the perfect recipe for my sourdough loaf. #Sourdough #Baking
Rummaging through my cookbooks, looking for springtime vegetarian feasts to add as a change to my usual curries, chillies and stews I have been making over the winter.
Please let me know if you have any recipes you want to share. I don’t mind if they have meat/fish in them. But I try to eat more vegetarian options than meat these days.
Anyone have any leads on a retailer of acorn flour in Canada? Like, we have so many oak trees, and I know it was a traditional ingredient for people here. It seems kinda bonkers that the only non-American retailer that I can find is Turkish.
#acorn #AcornFlour #TraditionalFoods #flour #glutenfreeFlour #baking
#oakTrees #oak #trees #HelpMeFindThis
Just joined fosstodon and wanted to share an #introduction. I'm a programmer and enjoy programming in #C/C++. I also like #gardening, singing (especially #publicdomain music), #writing (including #fanfic ) and #baking. I'm a #FLOSS advocate and am always searching for useful, portable, lightweight #libre #software. Am happy to share recommendations on favorite #programs and #libraries.
#baking #sewing #homemaking #etsy
I love to bake.
Specifically, I love to bake for the people, or pets I care about.
Tomorrow is my son-in-law's birthday. These lemon blueberry scones are his favorite.
I am pretty sure he will share with the rest of us.
I hope so.
Finally getting around to my #introduction: I’m Eli 👋🏻 I’m a Respiratory Therapist. I’ll be 44 this year and have been happily #partnered for almost 6 years. 🌈 #lgbtqia+ (he/him)
I’m an extroverted #introvert - I love being social but avoiding leaving home… #cancers 🦀 are a complicated people 😜
It’s only been 4 years since I picked it back up but my day is never complete without a couple hours at the #piano 🎹
A final touch on a somewhat damaged cake, i need to learn how to take it out properly out of its mold, there's apparently a technique to it.
But the velour effect distracts wonderfully from the flaws ^^ 😮💨🎂
#MardiPatisserie #pastry #baking #cake #moussecake #chocolate #dessert #patisserie #gateaux #konditorei #kuchen #backen
We're doing ways better already but not enough for outdoor activities. So I started baking bread again.
The first time since a couple of years - I guess? Well. It could have gone worse 😉
Every time I'm surprised that a good bread just needs very few ingredients.
Some links that didn’t fit in my bio, as #introduction
https://Moodle.com, https://Moodle.org, https://Moodle.Academy, https://Moodle.Net - not your grandmother’s Moodle
https://OpenEdTech.global - help us imagine how education will look for our grandchildren
#learning #openedtech #moodle #edtech #ai #mixedreality #verifiablecredentials #federation #science #astronomy #biology #ioniq5 #dad #musicproduction #graphics #gamer #scifi #drumming #baking #keto #vegetarian #fasting #hiking
Hi ! I’m new to Mastadon and enjoy reading , baking , crocheting etc looking for community to recommend books and share recipes #book #baking #crochet #newuser #community
First sourdough bake was a success!
Thanks to @MrAndrewD for the starter, and @elaterite for the tip on feeding it with rye (it helped, my first feed didn't do much, but the next one, with 25% rye, went bananas).
It's too early to know if the ciabatta tastes good yet, but I'm happy with how it looks.
But the bagels are great, if slightly beery-flavoured.
- An #Introduction toot -
A few things I’m interested in:
Watching and listening to #StandupComedy (esp. @myqkaplan@toot.site)
#StopPodcastingYourself (with Dave Shumka and @grahamclark)
The #NoSuchThingAsAFish podcast
#MOBA games + #MobileGaming generally
The #OldKingdom series by @garthnix
I'm considering making more bread, in a general sense.
Anyone here in #melbourne still have some sourdough starter they'd be willing to share?
Hello there! #introduction
I'm a #runner, typically posting my #dailyrun in the morning (Pacific Time). I enjoy taking photos, occasionally posting to #silentsunday or other #photography tags. I do some casual #baking. I’ve also taken to doing a daily #tiktok of life. And occasionally I share links I find interesting here.
Into #tech, general #news, #branding, #graphicdesign, #infrastructure, and located in Washington State. I work as a Production Artist for a branded merchandise company.
Icing Christmas tree - I make this kind to go in front of our gingerbread house.
#art #artist #artgifts #artshop #artwork #ContempoaryArt #fediart #mastroart #mastadonart #fediartshop #artbooster #BuyIntoArt #FallForArt #AYearForArt #ArtistSunday #FediArtShop #SoutJerseyArtist #Photography #creativetoots #adventskalender #adventcalendar #baking #food
In the 'real world' people call me Howard
I live in Cardiff in sunny Wales
#Art #Baking #Calligraphy #Cardiff #Christianity #ClassicCars #Clocks #Cooking #DnD #Energy #Etymology #Fantasy #FolkMusic #FountainPens #Houseplants #History #Letterpress #LiveMusic #NavalHistory #Pratchett #Printing #Science #SciFi #StarTrek #Tolkien #TTRPG
Politics: Mostly a Lefty
Religion: I follow a Carpenter from Nazareth
Job: DBA
The world is full of very serious things. I am not one of them.
I decided to try a different baked donut recipe.
I was looking for a good frosted version.
I even bought organic, no bad dyes, sprinkles.
That was a fail.
I used them on two donuts before I tasted the sprinkles, which looked good, but were terrible tasting and hard enough to break teeth.
Those donuts went in the compost bin.
I had some old fashioned Wilton sprinkles so I used those. They taste like sugar, and are chewable.
I think I'm done with donuts for awhile. Baking scones for Christmas is a better idea.
I'm a chemist and chemical biologist by training and my work comes home a bit too often as an amateur baker. I've done bike commuting in worse climates with slightly better infrastructure (Fort Collins, CO and PDX) and better climates with much worse infrastructure (Orange County, CA). Anti-car, pro-community.
I work for UCI's Institute for Neurotherapeutics and am happy to talk shop. Do not expect a well curated professional profile however.
#Introduction #BikeTooter #Chemistry #ChemiVerse #ChemicalBiology #Bookstodon #Baking
Work break — I am going to Baked Blooms, in San Rafael, tonight to take a cupcake decorating class from these cupcake bakers. They make amazing creations for special occasions. Mine will look like blobs but you gotta start somewhere. #baking #BakedBlooms.
Making bread and flatbread with hands over with a mixer: when I started making bread, I made sure to learn a few ‘by hand’ recipes. Somehow that gave me a sense of how the dough should ‘feel’ and that made baking easier later.
I still prefer a mixer for very sticky doughs, but when I’m making some simple everyday breads I do prefer to knead by hand. Just another analog joy I love