Imagination is the most important skill. Let's stick with imagination instead of creativity, for we use "#creativity" as a signifier when we lack imagination. We use it as a plain panacea, when we cannot imagine what a solution looks like, or as an empty account in arguing why one deserves better than another.
While creativity has unique and wonderful, hope infusing discursive properties, it is virtually useless in production.
Imagination is creating for solutions outside the realm of given options, it isn't mere hope, it is the real thing, a true chance, another brute force, it's getting to reality's constitution and screws it.
It is most valuable, it is what drives innovation, be it for better or enterprise.
While one might find solace that pleasure requires pain, the imaginative mind already explores a world of pure happiness.
Imagine imagination as the capacity to think the unfathomable, to venture into the unintelligible. It really is child's play. Fun to learn but we may only imagine mastering it.