It’s been Mothageddon at our house this past week (in a good way!). This mournful sphinx was particularly delightful. #insect #mothstodon
A bit of fantasy for Thursday with Queen Mantis. A cross between a praying mantis and a fairy. Have a good one. Take a peek here:
#fairy #fantasy #fairies #fairytale #prayingmantis #insect #bug #wings #forest #enchanted #throne #art #arte #artwork #wallart #homedecor #wallartforsale #homedecorideas #artforsale #canvasprints #giftideas #prints #artprints #buyintoart #mastoart #mastodonart #fediart #fediverse #fedigiftshop #whimsical #fun
in my opinion
there are not enough colors
to brighten this world
#MastoPrompt - opinion
#butterfly #butterflies #butterflygarden #flower #flowers #floral #floralart #botanical #colorful #colorfulart #art #artwork #fediart #mastoart #fun #cute #summer #summertime #haiku #smallpoems #shortpoem #writing #writingcommunity #bug #bugs #insect #insects #entomology
Can anyone ID this flying insect? It looks really neat. It was hard getting a photo of it and it didn't stay very long before it flew away.
Edit to add- thanks for the help everyone! :) It looks like it is a Sphecid/Sceliphron/Mud Dauber wasp. It came back and is enjoying more of the Sarracenia nectar.
#insect #carnivorousplants #savagegarden #gardening #plants #florespondence
Of the 6 Queen Butterfly chrysalises we’ve seen in our yard this year 5 have been green but 1 was white! The butterfly emerged & flew off apparently healthy just like the others! 😃 Here’s my Perpetual Journal art of the white chrysalis.
#SciArt #art #illustration #watercolor #painting #sketchbook #NatureJournal #NatureJournaling #PerpetualJournal #Tucson #SonoranDesert #NativePlants #biodiversity #environment #nature #PaloVerde #seedpod #insect #arthropod #entomology #bugs #butterfly #chrysalis
Male Valley carpenter bee (Xylocopa varipuncta) in the garden, August 2024 #bee #insect #carpenterbee #pollen #garden
Cuckoo bee, _Bombus campestris,_ in my garden today.
#bee #insect #Bumblebee
fine delicate wings
divided into quarters
butterfly art math
@dailyhaikuprompt - glade
#MastoPrompt - quarter
#butterfly #butterflies #bug #bugs #insect #insects #entomology #colorful #art #artwork #nature #fun #cute #garden #gardens #gardening #gardener #flower #flowers #floral #floralart #botanical #colorfulart #mastoart #fediart #ayearforart #buyintoart #wings #poetry #poet #poem #smallpoem #haiku #shortpoem #writing #summer #summertime
a colorful shell
behind one green blade of grass
a summer beetle
@dailyhaikuprompt - glade
#beetle #beetles #insect #insects #bug #bugs #summer #summertime #garden #gardens #gardening #gardener #art #artwork #artist #artists #flower #flowers #flowerart #floral #floralart #botanical #entomology #writing #poetry #haiku #shortpoems #shortpoem #smallpoems #smallpoem #fun #cute #colorful #colorfulart #poet #poem #ayearforart #buyintoart
Male and female banded demoiselle
#nature #insect #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #InsectPhotography #InsectsOfMastodon #UK
A super Small Pearl-bordered #Fritillary at South Stack, #Anglesey, at the beginning of this month. I missed photographing this one when it first appeared, at a spot close to the clifftops, but Rob and I returned later - and so did the #butterfly!
#PhotoMonday #FotoMontag #SchmetterlingsMontag #Butterflies #Insect #Insects #Nature #NaturePhotography #Wildlife #WildlifePhotography #NaturFotografie
Gold Butterfly from my butterfly collection, Happy Friday!
Available here..
#butterfly #insect #nature #mastoart #fediart #fedigiftshop #artbooster #creativetoots #wallart #wallartforsale #artforsale #gold #artprints #homedecor #interiordecor #interiordesign #art #artist #arte #artwork #giftideas #gifts #greetingcards #buyintoart #ayearforart #mastodonart
Not African plains
But Florida has zebras
Floating swallowtails
***This beautiful specimen expired on my porch. I decided to memorialize them with some art.
#butterfly #butterflies #bug #bugs #insect #insects #entomology #zebraswallowtail #Florida #floridian #floridians #nature #animals #blackandwhite #garden #gardens #gardening #poetry #poet #poem #haiku #smallpoems #shortpoem #art #artwork #photography #photographer #photographie #photo #photos #photograph
Garden Beetle...The latest in this series.
#beetles #beetle #bug #bugs #insect #insects #colorful #colorfulart #flower #flowers #flowerfriday #floral #floralart #entomology #garden #gardening #gardens #gardener #spring #springtime #buyintoart #scarab #cute #fun #mastoart #art #artwork #fediart #fedigiftshop #homedecor #homedecoration #handmade
#art #mastoart #illustration #watercolor #kleinekunstklasse #insect
Sie sonnen sich auf der warmen rau verputzten Hauswand: Fliegen
They sunbathe on the warm, rough-plastered house wall: Flies
Though the infirmities of age did their part to discourage her at every turn, when her mood turned defiantly carefree Penny would still sneak away from her sisters to visit The Flower. Here she would ambush the bees who came to visit, losing herself in adrenaline-fueled chaos as she chased them, antennae waving wildly as if shooing flies. If later one asked about her absence, they would receive nought but an absent stare and the mumblings of an ant at peace. #ants #insect #MicroFiction #bees
Spring has sprung here in Flyover Country. I saw four species of butterflies today. Here's one, a freshly eclosed Zebra Swallowtail.
I've had the radish
I question all my beliefs
Middle life dilemmas...
*Aging ain't no joke! I create HAPPY art to balance myself. :)
#DailyHaikuPrompt - radish
#575Prompt - belief
#MastoPrompt - middle
#butterflies #butterfly #colorfulart #colorfull #art #artwork #artist #artists #cute #fun #garden #gardening #fedigiftshop #nature #bugs #bug #insect #insects #entomology #poetry #haiku #smallpoems #poet #poets #poem #poems #writing #writingcommunity #nature
Nature calls to me
like a carrot to a horse
bugs a tipping point...
#DailyHaikuPrompt carrot
#MastoPrompt fulfilled
#575prompt tipping
#dragonfly #dragonflies #pond #nature #colorful #colorfulart #art #artwork #artist #artists #fediart #mastoart #fedigiftshop #zen #spa #spring #spiritual #spirituality #bug #bugs
#entomology #insect #insects #fun #cute #buyintoart #fillthatemptywall #poetry #poet #poets #poem #poems #haiku #smallpoems #writing #writingcommunity
A couple of years ago I created an art series in which I painted 1 color/day of something from nature I saw in/from my yard: trees, wildflowers, cacti, animals, birds, arthropods, reptiles & skies. Here’s my Tucson Color Journal ~ November.
#SciArt #art #illustration #watercolor #painting #sketchbook #NatureJournal #NatureJournaling #Tucson #SonoranDesert #NativePlants #biodiversity #environment #ecosystem #nature #insect #arthropod #butterfly #moth #larva #color #bird #birds #BirdsOfMastodon
I love the shape of beetles. We get some iridescent beauties here on our farm. This one is enchanted. :)
#art #artwork #artist #mastoart #fediart #beetle #beetles #scarab #bug #bugs #insect #insects #entomology #glam #mandala #mandalas #colorful #colorfulart #egypt #egyptian #symbolism #symbol #nature #natureart #naturelover #fun #cute