Waaaay back in the late 1990s I discovered Lyx - and have been using it ever since ... almost 30 years!
Lyx has a noble ambition - to let you to write documents as if you were using a GUI word processor, but render the documents using #LaTex.
✅ The key point is to write content - not code.
It almost succeeds.
Maybe I should just hang up my software engineer hat altogether, and manufacture and sell #kink products, like #latex #bandanas, latex "leg warmers", and get back into making orca #vore toys. Or, if you have ideas, I'm open to suggestion.
Let me know what y'all think. I need to start making money somehow and soon. I can't be unemployed forever.
Hello Fediverse!
We’re #newhere, even if we are already 14 years old – and #ConTeXt is the infamous alternative to #LaTeX for more than 20 years!
The developers of ConTeXt are also behind #LuaTeX and now #LuaMetaTeX.
We’re the incisors (AKA bleeding edge) of the dinosaur of open source. 😉
The first issue of my new newsletter, Notes on Editing, goes out Monday morning. It has an update on my upcoming LaTeX for Academic Editors course and an overview of how I use PerfectIt for LaTeX manuscripts. Sign up here if you’d like to get it: https://signup.wordsbywes.ink/notes-on-editing
#AcademicEditing #PerfectIt #TexLaTeX #LaTeX #NoTheOtherLatex @edibuddies
I've been tinkering with a possibly stupid idea...
I like making graph theory and finite automata diagrams in TikZ, but it is absolutely a waste of time. So, I wondered if I could use a programming language to speed it up
So, I've got Emacs Lisp exporting LaTeX/TikZ code via Org Mode. Although, in theory you could use any language, because Org Babel is rad as heck
(I know nothing about Emacs Lisp, so any feedback would be appreciated!)
LaTeX.css – Make your website look like a LaTeX document.
Write semantic HTML, add <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://latex.vercel.app/style.css"> to the <head> of your project and you are good to go.
I don't know what's more astonishing: the new typesetting language José Reyes explains here, or the depth and quality of the explanation.
Do you like reading #fanfiction formatted like a book instead of a web page?
Try fimfic2pdf, a program which translates stories from #FiMFiction or #AO3 into #LaTeX and renders them into properly typeset PDF for much more comfortable reading.
Hieroglyphic by @FineFindus joined GNOME Circle!
The app lets you find LaTeX symbols by sketching.
Nouveau sur mathstodon.xyz je me présente rapidement :
Prof de #maths (actuellement en collège). J'utilise #SACoche et je lutte contre la #constanteMacabre
J'utilise #Moodle #dodoc #GeoTortue #Coopmaths #LaTeX #AMC. Je tente #PlanDeTravail et #cooperation #EvaluationALaCarte
Je suis aussi, à temps partiel, #Formateur #DRANe #Bretagne
Je suis sensible aux charmes et aux valeurs des logiciels et des ressources libres #freesoftware #REL #OER
Je m'autohéberge #Yunohost et #velotaf
#ThisMonthInFluiddyn it is. Let's go 😎
🔹@PierreAugier and friends are finishing up an article, so as a side project they released #formattex and #formatbibtex based on #TexSoup and #BibtexParser
> a simple and uncompromising #Latex code formatter
🔹Version 0.7.4 of #fluidsim and fluidsim-core were released containing a refactored energy spectra for #NavierStokes solvers and other bug fixes
#introduction Hi everyone, Deyan here!
I tend to discuss the journey of converting #arXiv into #ar5iv: an HTML5 preview site for the world's largest preprint server.
I'm helping to develop the next generation of #latexml and #mathml, focusing on the most idiosyncratic corners of #LaTeX and math syntax.
And you'll see the occasional AI art / Large language model experiment flying by as well...
#App idea: an app to search for #LaTeX symbols. Example: if the user does not know how to display the intersection symbol ∩, the app could display the Latex code (\cap) needed to display it.
Maybe #GNOME's excellent Characters app could be forked?
Bonjour à tous ! 👋
Je suis curieux de savoir comment certains d'entre nous ont fait leurs premiers pas avec #LaTeX. 🤔
Pour ma part, j'ai débuté grâce à (l'ancienne version de) ce livre :
PDF en accès libre : https://archives.framabook.org/docs/latex/framabook-versionenligne_v1_5.pdf
De nombreux collègues me sollicitent récemment pour savoir comment débuter avec LaTeX.
Je partage donc cette ressource, mais je me dis que certains ont aussi de bonnes recommandations à partager ! 😉
Excellente soirée ! 🌃
I really should get an #introduction out:
Hey! I'm Derek. I love #opensource, #writethedocs, #python, and running everything on #Linux.
Are you a #ToolsForThought fan? I'm looking to follow people navigating #SecondBrain and #DigitalGarden management of notes.
I'm working on tools that can help make publishing easier, for me, using #LaTeX and Python/bash.
I usually come up with weird projects since that's my primary way to learn something new, which I want to share more of.
Do you like horse words?
Do you like typography?
Do you like reading #fanfiction formatted like a book instead of a web page?
Try fimfic2pdf, a program which translates My Little Pony stories from #FiMFiction into #LaTeX and renders them into properly typeset PDF for much more comfortable reading.
My #introduction:
I studied #physics and am now working as Solutions Engineer for Posit PBC (f.k.a. RStudio), I like riding my #bicycles, I am interested in #politics, I am concerned about the #climatecrisis (born at 329 ppm), I try to use #linux and more generally #FOSS as much as possible, I sometimes dabble with #datascience using #rstats or #python, I like good #typography and use #LaTeX to produce it, I am still looking for a way to get back into analog B&W #photography.