Updated #Introduction:
Hi, I'm Ratt! I am a #dad to two amazing not-so-little-anymore dudes, still #married to my high school hottie (20+ years together!), work in #IT as a #ComputerTechnician, and am currently on a #QuestToBenLomond, a goal to get from being so out of shape that I get winded walking up a flight of stairs, to #hiking to #BenLomondPeak (elev. 9,716 ft) in #OgdenUtah by the end of August of this year, so expect regular #fitness updates and hiking pics about that.
In my free time, I play a lot of #DnD and have accepted my fate as a #ForeverDM but, while I don't foresee myself fully switching from #5e anytime soon, I'm trying to branch out a bit into other #TTRPG systems.
Outside of #tabletopGaming, I also love #space-y #SciFi like the #Bobiverse, #DoctorWho, #TheExpanse, #Halo, #TheLostFleet, #RedDwarf, #StarTrek, and #StarWars.
Then there's #music; I love #rock and, over the past several years, have become a bit of a #metalhead for bands like #Alestorm, #BeastInBlack, #DragonForce, #Gloryhammer, #TheHu, #NanowarOfSteel, #TwilightForce, #VisionsOfAtlantis, and #WindRose.
I retoot a lot of #miniaturePainting because I rarely seem to be able to find the time to paint my own, but I share those as well when it happens. #SpaceNews is another semi-regular topic as I get excited about #spaceExploration and goings-on with #NASA and other space orgs. I'll also sometimes toot about #archaeology, #oceanography, and #paleontology which also fascinate me.
Finally, while I try to keep it rare, I do occasionally post about my views on current events, politics (#progressive), and religion (#atheist), but will keep those behind a content warning.
Those are the toots you can expect from me. Hopefully you'll give me a follow!