Last night was a trail run with a difference - the Afterglow 21k down in Torquay. It was a fantastic run and event all up, lots of fun dressing up and being among a bunch of others also all dayglowed up 🤩
They have a big emphasis on inclusiveness and were very actively part of the fight against gender-based violence. Based on the a quick glance around, there were seemed to be a bunch of blokes at the start of the race who were completely unaware that women can not feel safe running trails. A good effort on the organisers' parts to get the message out. More at
This was my son's very first event, he walked the 5k Body Positive Stomp and made friends with another walker with the most amazing huge lit up fairy wings. - highly recommended if you can get there
#trailrunning #running #unicorns #trails #gender #safety #16daysofactivism