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Humberto Rocha

Software developer, self-hosting hobbyist, and problem solver

77 Posts Posts & Replies 398 Following 84 Followers Search
Humberto Rocha boosted

New blog post: Life Critical Side Projects

In which I discuss how working on a social media server no longer brings me joy, look at ways to find others to help run it, and ponder on the good and bad of the Fediverse itself. (boosts are more than OK on this one!)

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

It's a difficult spell, I know, but you can do it 💜.

Humberto Rocha boosted


tl;dr they give you a broken server and have you figure out how to fix it

like a CTF, but for devops instead of security!

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

The main reason I am learning Django is that the Django community seems to have quite a bit of fun.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Found & love it <3

Humberto Rocha boosted

Attempt 1. What happens when you invoke . In a single picture.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Pablo Galindo Salgado and I started a podcast about internals. We call it "", hope you like it!

The first episode is about the core sprint in Brno where we spent last week.

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

i feel this in my bones this in my bones, via @nctrost

Humberto Rocha boosted

Why call it “checking Mastodon,” when you could say, “grabbing a pint at the Activity Pub”

Humberto Rocha boosted

Well, that was neat. I went outside to turn the compost pile and heard an extremely stereotypical bird of prey sound. Almost what you’d hear in a movie.

A few minutes later, I opened up my BirdNET-Pi dashboard in to see this detection! So neat.

Never saw the bird though.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Ei pessoal!! A lista de projetos brasileiros pra contribuir nesse Hacktoberfest tá no ar!!

Chega lá pra contribuir com algum! Ou até mesmo com a própria lista adicionando mais projetos 😉

Humberto Rocha boosted

GTK - Gimp Toolkit

Boost is very appreciated.

See also toots above.

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Project manager: "What's technical debt? Explain it to me like I'm 6 years old"


Humberto Rocha boosted

Why did I switch from Unity to Godot?
And it's not because of Unity Install Fee. 😏

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hello le Fediverse,

Je me permets de refaire un petit message à faire voyager.

En effet ce mois-ci j'ai décidé d'arrêter d'utiliser Twitter pour promouvoir mon travail.

Je ne sais pas encore si c'est une mauvaise décision, mais une chose est sûre, si mon travail se balade ici ça ne pourra que me faire un peu moins peur !

Si jamais ça vous dit de partager ce pouet ce serait vraiment super cool !

Merci à tous, et désolé à ceux qui en ont marre de ma tronche 😁

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

We passed the €30,000 threshold on the Godot Development Fund today! 🎉

Thanks everyone for your support! 💙

Our current goal is to reach 50k as soon as possible, to secure the current payroll, and enable us to add a couple more developers to the team.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Python People 7: Mariatta Wijaya

Mariatta has been a contributor to Python for many years and is a very inspiring public speaker.

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Aaaannnnnnnd we got a new blog post: 7 Lessons I learned from recording and editing short videos

Edited 1y ago