Thank you @harrysintonen for making me aware #github #copilot
I've received 5 VC offers "to chat" regarding Pixelfed in the past few days.
Not for sale.
Pixelfed belongs to the people.
I'd rather be broke and true to my beliefs, than sell out.
That's why I'm organizing a Kickstarter to fund the ethical development of Pixelfed, Loops and more.
It's time that someone stood up to them, instead of joining them.
Are you with me?
the "info on discord" bullshit has to stop
(if you're going to reply with "discord bad" with no extra info, don't, there are already a dozen or so replies with it, and I don't need my notifications flooded with the exact same thing over and over)
Anyone who uses @homeassistant please fill out their community survey and share it with others. They are trying to better understand who uses and interacts with HA so they can better support the user base. Since they are not doing crazy invasive things that commercial platforms do, they don't have a lot of this info and have to rely on it being provided via surveys and such.
[ #HomeAssistant #HomeAutomation #SmartHome #ESPHome #Tasmota #Zigbee #Zwave ]
I thought uvx was cool but this is even better - lazy self-installing scripts with uv!😎
Building a Tiny CDN With pyinfra and Chimera Linux
The author set up a DIY content delivery network for his link blog using multiple servers worldwide, reducing average response time from 807ms to 189ms. He utilized pyinfra for automation, Chimera Linux as the host OS, and implemented GeoDNS for traffic routing, demonstrating significant performance improvements without relying on major CDN providers.
24 jours de #Python ~ #Pyxel - Jour 1
"Introduction à Pyxel"
"The Disappearance of an Internet Domain"
How we could lose the .io TLD.
I really like the new script metadata and UV supports it, so I will update ALL my projects documentation examples to use uv run as the default runner.
Much easier than asking people to create a virtualenv and activate it.
BTW: #Dynaconf is a #Python library I maintain, it loads settings from various sources and parses, merges, validates it, It can be integrated with #Flask, #Django, #FastAPI and supports reading settings from #Redis or #Hashicorp #Vault, or even custom storages.
Implementar Activitypub é trabalhoso, mas é divertido ver a interação entre plataformas completamente diferentes acontecendo.
Agora eu consigo seguir a conta do meu servidor AP 🤩
Valve (Steam) begin a direct collaboration with Arch Linux
Chegou ontem meu Gl.inet Flint 2 chegou ontem, bom demais ter um roteador rodando OpenWrt e não ter que ficar me matando nas interfaces proprietárias engessadas dos roteadores dos provedores de Internet 😅
LB: Names really do matter, and naming things is hard.
But sometimes, the difficulty of naming things can serve as a warning. Think of it as a design smell. Sometimes things are hard to name because they only exist in your mental model, and the model isn't serving you. Take it as a prompt to reevaluate how you're thinking about the problem.
The age of software artisans
I have content being served on (it is a PHP application)
I want the subdomain, to serve the same contents.
I tried a rewrite, but that redirect users and I want to keep the original url on the client.
I tried proxy_pass but that doesn't allow path parmeters.
Is there a solution without changing the app?
Awesome post about giving people the opportunity to thrive
Well this turned from a "hmm, I wonder" moment, to consuming most of my weekend.
It does feel like a good "bang for buck" feature. A relatively small update that adds a lot of value.
👀 BrowserPub: A browser for exploring #ActivityPub and the ⁂fediverse
Check out the #pilet, SoulsCircuit's very cool retro-futuristic handheld tablet/console.
Designed with Free Software, the pilet runs #Plasma and a full range of KDE software.
More at
Follow SoulCircuit and the progress of the piet here: