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Humberto Rocha

Software developer, self-hosting hobbyist, and problem solver

79 Posts Posts & Replies 406 Following 84 Followers Search
Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

I'm now making a kungfu-roguelite that plays just like in a Jackie Chan or John Wick movie. Follow me for more info :)

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

old comic 🤖 merci pour cette belle liste.
Moi et @giovanna on aimerait aussi en faire parti. On habite au Québec depuis 4 ans 😊

Humberto Rocha boosted

Exploring some new UI ideas for trig parameters and making room to add a probability option. Everything will be on a 5x2 grid, but extend organically if needed.

Hoping it's more consistent than the previous version. Unused spots have these Elektron style spacers. Maybe I'll add some more options in the futures for channels that have a lot of room (ch2 and ch4).

Humberto Rocha boosted

Reddit users figured out that some bot crawlers scrape popular threads and auto-generate AI articles based on user comments, so they decided to create some fake hype to confuse them.

It worked.

This is why real journalism matters.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hello everyone! This is a drawing I did based on the created by the artist @poopikatt as you can find her on instagram. I added an image of her post here. I hope you enjoy it! 💕✨

Humberto Rocha boosted

This kind of brilliantly stupid shit is what I miss from the early days of the internet

Humberto Rocha boosted

This diagram by Anna-lena at is beautifully done 🤩

@dunossauro adorei a vibe 🤩

Humberto Rocha boosted

Começando as gravações do curso de FastAPI.

Dunossauro em tons de roxo

Humberto Rocha boosted

Our *remote* Deputy CPython Developer in Residence role will be open through @europython Come find PSF staff @ambv or @baconandcoconut onsite in Prague, if you want us to encourage you to apply!

This job is open to applicants anywhere in the world and is intended as a junior role.

Humberto Rocha boosted

A minha amiga fodástica @jesstemporal acabou de lançar uma novidade: um micro livro para quem precisa usar Git e se sente meio sem direção, não lembra qual comando faz o quê, etc.

Já li e é um ótimo guia para as coisas do dia-dia! Super recomendo!

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

Umberto Eco uses 50% less fuel and 30% less packaging than regular Umberto

Humberto Rocha boosted

Yesterday I discovered Amazon only pays 35% royalties on e-books sold over there, unless you choose to be part of kdp select which has a 70% royalties but requires that you sell exclusively through Amazon…

Starting to get a fuller picture about publishing books and why first time authors can be so poorly compensated.

Continue with the belly rubs hooman

Humberto Rocha boosted

The Mossy Monster 🌱

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

Hello ! I make comics. Obsessively. Sometimes I paint stuff when I'm working on scripts instead!

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hi, I'm Emma! I love painting landscapes and drawing cute animals 🌸 I sell prints and stickers of my work.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Turnip-Head being outstanding in his field
(Brushed up one of my oldest drawings)

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hi guys! For my first post, I would like to introduce you to the little fairy that lives in my garden 💕✨
I hope you enjoy the cute illustrations I create 🌟

Humberto Rocha boosted

O Grande Microlivro de Git está disponível. Ideal para consultas objetivas sobre o funcionamento de comandos no Git, essa é uma ferramenta que toda pessoa desenvolvedora deveria conhecer.

Acesse para saber mais e garantir a sua cópia digital.

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

In case you missed it, all links on Mastodon count as 23 characters towards your limit, no matter how many characters the link really is.

So, you don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon as they won't actually affect the link's length.

Mastodon does this because it's better for everyone's privacy to avoid link shortener services, it means people can see what they're clicking on, and the link won't stop working if the shortener service shuts down.

More info at:


Humberto Rocha boosted

One day I want to turn this concept into a lil game ♥️