The main reason I am learning Django is that the Django community seems to have quite a bit of fun.
Pablo Galindo Salgado and I started a podcast about #Python internals. We call it "", hope you like it!
The first episode is about the core sprint in Brno where we spent last week.
Well, that was neat. I went outside to turn the compost pile and heard an extremely stereotypical bird of prey sound. Almost what you’d hear in a movie.
A few minutes later, I opened up my BirdNET-Pi dashboard in #homeassistant to see this detection! So neat.
Never saw the bird though.
Ei pessoal!! A lista de projetos brasileiros pra contribuir nesse Hacktoberfest tá no ar!!
Chega lá pra contribuir com algum! Ou até mesmo com a própria lista adicionando mais projetos 😉
Why did I switch from Unity to Godot?
And it's not because of Unity Install Fee. 😏 #gamedev #godot #unity
Hello le Fediverse,
Je me permets de refaire un petit message à faire voyager.
En effet ce mois-ci j'ai décidé d'arrêter d'utiliser Twitter pour promouvoir mon travail.
Je ne sais pas encore si c'est une mauvaise décision, mais une chose est sûre, si mon travail se balade ici ça ne pourra que me faire un peu moins peur !
Si jamais ça vous dit de partager ce pouet ce serait vraiment super cool !
Merci à tous, et désolé à ceux qui en ont marre de ma tronche 😁
We passed the €30,000 threshold on the Godot Development Fund today! 🎉
Thanks everyone for your support! 💙
Our current goal is to reach 50k as soon as possible, to secure the current payroll, and enable us to add a couple more developers to the team.
Python People 7: Mariatta Wijaya
Mariatta has been a contributor to Python for many years and is a very inspiring public speaker.
Aaaannnnnnnd we got a new blog post: 7 Lessons I learned from recording and editing short videos
Friendly reminder: we have a livestream tomorrow 😉
This time we will:
• implement a new protected endpoint on the API we’ve been using
• Make protected requests to that new endpoint from the badge
Same usual time and place 10am ET on
See you there!
Hey!! Tomorrow, Friday 1st of Sept at 10am ET we have a date!!
Let's work on the badger 2040 w from Pimoroni again yay!!
Will this be the day we can make a request to a protected API from the badge? Join and let's figure this out together!
Follow here 👇 to get the notification when I go live! 😉
Já teve problemas ao renomear arquivos em projetos #git ? Pois, não precisa mais se estressar, aqui nessa colinha você aprende a renomear arquivos no git do jeito certo!
To remove the latest stash from the stack and apply it, use the command:
git stash pop
You can find this #GitStudyCards & more at #gitfichas #git #developer #developers #software #github
This Friday, don't forget: 10am EST we'll continue to work on pimoroni's badger 2040 W and see if we can display some information from an protected API.
See you Friday on
Para remover o stash mais recente da pilha e aplicá-lo use o comando:
git stash pop
Essa e mais fichas você encontra no: #GitFichas #Git #GitHub
🎂 Today's my birthday, and if you feel like giving me a present, it'll make me so happy if you could share news about PyLadiesCon and the CFP to your network, and also submit a talk or two!
#pyladies #pyladiescon #PSF #conference #python #cfp #publicspeaking
New spring features:
- in all directions
- attach to all kinds of blocks
- reflect the sword
As of one hour ago Terraform is no longer open source