The deadliest poison known to AI · iocaine does not try to slow crawlers. iocaine is purely about generating garbage.
Thank you @harrysintonen for making me aware #github #copilot
I've received 5 VC offers "to chat" regarding Pixelfed in the past few days.
Not for sale.
Pixelfed belongs to the people.
I'd rather be broke and true to my beliefs, than sell out.
That's why I'm organizing a Kickstarter to fund the ethical development of Pixelfed, Loops and more.
It's time that someone stood up to them, instead of joining them.
Are you with me?
@humrochagf @melissawm And the more manual, possibly selfhosted way would be to have a pipeline tool like kestra or IFTT and integrate it to your flow, like a trello board or a notion space that it listens to and post to your mastodon shared account 🙂
@melissawm Since Mastodon doesn't have RBAC or OIDC role based auth support, it will probably require a 3rd party service that operates mastodon through the API and exposes this feature.
If you don't want to worry maintaining this infrastructure, there's a service called buffer that may help
the "info on discord" bullshit has to stop
(if you're going to reply with "discord bad" with no extra info, don't, there are already a dozen or so replies with it, and I don't need my notifications flooded with the exact same thing over and over)
Anyone who uses @homeassistant please fill out their community survey and share it with others. They are trying to better understand who uses and interacts with HA so they can better support the user base. Since they are not doing crazy invasive things that commercial platforms do, they don't have a lot of this info and have to rely on it being provided via surveys and such.
[ #HomeAssistant #HomeAutomation #SmartHome #ESPHome #Tasmota #Zigbee #Zwave ]
I thought uvx was cool but this is even better - lazy self-installing scripts with uv!😎
A Windows installer is now also available
Building a Tiny CDN With pyinfra and Chimera Linux
The author set up a DIY content delivery network for his link blog using multiple servers worldwide, reducing average response time from 807ms to 189ms. He utilized pyinfra for automation, Chimera Linux as the host OS, and implemented GeoDNS for traffic routing, demonstrating significant performance improvements without relying on major CDN providers.
24 jours de #Python ~ #Pyxel - Jour 1
"Introduction à Pyxel"
@pythonhub This repository reminded me of an awesome tutorial I attended to at Python Brazil with @lr implementing lisp with python
@cadusilva @bruno tem várias soluções de dns dinâmico tipo duckdns ou no meu caso um worker que atualiza o dns direto no seu provedor de dns chamando a api dele.
@renne @humrochagf @bruno haha é, antes ele era parte do Serenity que é um OS na vibe de Windows antigo retro. O pessoal foi implementando o motor de navegador do zero. O pessoal empolgou e decidiu expandir pra um projeto a parte e dar suporte pra outros OS.
@bruno já testou o ladybird? Ele surgiu do Serenity OS e a engine deles é from the scratch
"The Disappearance of an Internet Domain"
How we could lose the .io TLD. as vezes eu me pergunto se é popularidade mesmo ou se submeter as regras do algoritimo pra continuar surfando a onda de curtidas. Cada vez mais eu vejo os personagens dessas grandes redes distorcendo o conteúdo que eles produzem pra continuar sendo recomendado.
@bruno Yeah, I was able to control with some content filters, but the most effective was to defederate a bit by blocking some instances that had content that I didn't want to store in my self hosted db even if this is transitive content that will get cleaned up in a week if I dont interact with it.
@bruno It's on my list of things to do, to try out uv for a while, haha. I guess I'll do it soon 😜
I really like the new script metadata and UV supports it, so I will update ALL my projects documentation examples to use uv run as the default runner.
Much easier than asking people to create a virtualenv and activate it.
BTW: #Dynaconf is a #Python library I maintain, it loads settings from various sources and parses, merges, validates it, It can be integrated with #Flask, #Django, #FastAPI and supports reading settings from #Redis or #Hashicorp #Vault, or even custom storages.
Implementar Activitypub é trabalhoso, mas é divertido ver a interação entre plataformas completamente diferentes acontecendo.
Agora eu consigo seguir a conta do meu servidor AP 🤩
Valve (Steam) begin a direct collaboration with Arch Linux