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Humberto Rocha

Software developer, self-hosting hobbyist, and problem solver

77 Posts Posts & Replies 398 Following 84 Followers Search
Humberto Rocha boosted

I sent two PRs for today. It was fun to implement both and think about usability & accessibility. 🙂

- Show profile icon image on the image viewer by shuuji3 · Pull Request · jointakahe/takahe -
- Put no ALT badge on attached images by shuuji3 · Pull Request · jointakahe/takahe -

Humberto Rocha boosted

If you’re not already following , do yourself a favor and do so now, and check out all their amazing Black History Month posts. Enlightening facts and data presented straightforwardly without drama but still dramatic.

Humberto Rocha boosted

📣📣📣 Book announcement 📣📣📣

I wrote a book called "Leading developers"!

Most books out there cover leadership in the context of a larger organisation where leaders operate within an existing leadership framework. The goal of my book is to help you *build your own leadership framework*.

You can read it online for free or buy it here:

It's just 5 dollars on launch day!

Humberto Rocha boosted

This seems like a pretty decent description of fedi, tbh

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

RT @magnunleno
Galera dev que curte café, ajudem pelo menos no retweet. O Café di Preto está precisando de uma nova casa...

@gilsonfilho @badtux_ @rochacbruno @LucasTeles42 @zanfranceschi @osantana @omariosouto @masbahnana @marcogomes @gomex @rla4 @cmaiacd @gleiceellen @ericleribertson

Humberto Rocha boosted

socketify in CPython now can deliver 3 mi req/s instead of 2.5 mi req/s

socketify ASGI with PyPy is the first ASGI to hit over 1 mi req/s in

socketify WSGI with PyPy is the first WSGI to hit over 1.5 mi req/s

Edited 1y ago
Humberto Rocha boosted

some materials from last year, made using , rendered in

Humberto Rocha boosted

Introducing BootFriend: custom firmware for the WonderSwan Color/SwanCrystal!
- "multiboot" (load software to RAM via serial port),
- backup the IPL (boot ROM),
- manage game data & saves,
- flash cartridges without an external flasher!

Installation instructions, downloads and more information are available here:

Humberto Rocha boosted

PyConUS 2023 schedule released and keynote speakers revealed!!! 🤩
I'm proud to present @willingc @dontusethsicode @mmitchell_ai @nedbat as our keynote speakers.
Don't miss special appearances by Python Steering Council and Guido van Rossum

Humberto Rocha boosted
Humberto Rocha boosted

WebSocket Weasel is a very useful tool for testing, umm, WebSockets! Emoji awesome

Source code:

Firefox/LibreWolf extension:

@humrochagf @gabubellon Mas a contrapartida do Hatch é que ele é um pouco menos automático que o Poetry

@gabubellon Entre os dois eu vou de poetry, pq ele tem uma interface menos confusa e faz bastante coisa automática pra vc. Pra projeto feito pra ser OpenSource eu prefiro o Hatch pq ele só implementa o que já foi aceito nas PEPs e tb o lockfile do poetry de vez enquanto da uns problemas de instalaçao quando vc visa multiplas versões do python.

Humberto Rocha boosted

Oh, super nice lib, want to play around with it and make some nice map plots

Humberto Rocha boosted

EDIT: the owner has suspended the service, stating: "indefinitely [suspended]. Valid concerns were raised and I don't have the energy to rebuild it the right way."

Will do a write-up on this later.

Original post (shortened):


Threadstodon is a simple and clean toll to unroll threads into an easy-to read format

Works exactly like you expect: give the thread URL, and you get an clean and easy-to-read formatted page of the thread back, that you can also easily share as well.

Edited 1y ago

I love the fact that those 2 lines from "Zen of Python" come together:

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.

We do have multiple options to deal with the same problem, but each one is the "one obvious way" for someone in the community.

If you didn't find yours, let's talk and look for it together, or even build it 🙂

I wrote a small post about how Mastodon implements the layer for the Poll functionality.

One nice thing about implementing mastodon compatible features to , like polls support, is that once you get the base working, you have a lot of clients that are able to render it 🙂

Humberto Rocha boosted

Just saw there are already 39 Fediverse servers powered by @takahe, at least according to

Not bad for a project that first released less than 2.5 months ago!

@osantana @nixCraft oooh minha primeira linguagem de programação foi pascal e eu usava justamente o turbo pascal hehe pense em pair programming remoto ou editar arquivos no gdocs com mais de uma pessoa 😜

Humberto Rocha boosted

🛹 Slidev finally got built-in slide transitions in v0.39.0! - something I wanted so much since the beginning!

Thanks a lot to @posva and for making this possible!

📖 Documentation here:

Humberto Rocha boosted

Hi folks. Have you run across anything awesome in the space that I haven't recently discussed on @pythonbytes? Looking for another topic for the show next week.

Humberto Rocha boosted